Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Join this group: GroupHaters

Its like this pathetic rebellionism from my long lost rebel without a cause youth that I never had.

I get into some virginal panic when I say something and someone joins in agreement with me.

I'll change sides when I'm arguing something and see too many heads nod.

Makes me feel like I'm on a roll so i get too comfy, knowing that somebody is just waiting - WAITING - for you to fuck it up by saying the safety (you-crossed-the-line-and-fell-off-your-roll) word. I'm not about to "hear, hear" or "here here" or whatever somebody else when I don't know what the hell they are gonna say next.

But I am not even controversial. Run of the mill non-group-ers have it hard.

Joining a group on PURPOSE!?! like one that didn't magnetically form around you when you said some funny shit?? that makes me want to hyperventilate in order to breathe enough oxygen so my head doesn't shrink like grandpa scrotum.

as soon as you are in a group, there's making plans for "us," there's "for the good of the group," there's "thinking on behalf of others" and " democracy," high fives and "don't shit where you eat."


i want a group of people who hate stuff. Maybe a set of rules (who should hate rules too.)
Rules to join "group of hater group haters"
1. you hate groups.
2. you want to know about other people who hate groups and why.
3. you want to hear stories of haterism. and hate on them.
4. you hate this post.

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